PiXelTRain Museum

The hobby of creating small vehicle drawings is more, than 20 years old. Several people have lost interest in the hobby, the homepages disappeared. This PiXelTrain Museum tries to preserve the original homepages of the various authors and collections.

Please accept, that this pages are not in a living state, they are snapshots made several years ago. Even if you find a contact information (e-Mail address, forum/community site user name) - which is likely outdated, do not bother the original authors with requests, error notifications - they do not deal with this pages, with this hobby any more!

Traffic / MM&MM / TSV 60 / TrainKit / Railway32
4M-Screensaver Picture Gallery
Centraal Station:Peter Klarenbeek's site with pictures from Netherland, Portugal, South-America, Russia
H-Transport: Daniel Hentschel's vehicles - mostly from eastern part of Germany
Ladegüter: Sven Eger has drawn mostly loaded freight wagons, the individual loads are also published. Later he published also pictures from other authors.
Florian Albers has mainly german vehicles - among them the HSV train - on his page
Zoltán Iván published his new drawings on his homepage - and there were other railway-related themes too
Jaroslav Silhan

xtrain: MSTS/Trainz/Traffic form Slovakia.
The original homepage is still on-line: http://xtrain.alsat.sk, but the Traffic section is not functioning.

Michl Beck's Bitmaps: swiss vehicle drawings.
Michl Beck still has railway-related homepages, but the vehicle drawings are not published any more.
GCUK from Abt: vehicles from Great Britain and Japan, mostly in japanese, with a few english words. The TrainKit scenes are not functioning yet, it needs to be fixed.
Train Gif
FrogRail from Tony Hill - the collection of Train Gifs from many authors
Blu Archer Ed Bindler's own Train Gif-s - trains, aeroplanes and scenes
Train Gif Railyard from David .J. Cooley
Midwest Rails by Erik Rasmussen
Train Gif Terminal from Greg Wiltsie
Japanese pages